Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Edgar Romero.

Mr. Edgar Romero

Unit 15007
USAG Humphreys
APO, AP 96271-5007
United States

Official photo of Dr. Judith Sullivan.

Dr. Judith Sullivan

Unit 15007
USAG Humphreys
APO, AP 96271-5007
United States

Dr. Ebony Freemon, SPED AP at Humphreys West and Central Elementary Schools

Dr. Ebony Freemon

Unit 15007
USAG Humphreys
APO, AP 96271-5007
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance 0503-357-2127
Ms. Dionna Davis School Nurse/Health Aide 0503-357-2111
Ms. Victoria De Boer Cafeteria 0503-357-2113
Ms. Angi Duncan School Counselor 0503-357-2127
Ms. Joyce Fointno School Counselor 0503-357-2127
Ms. Jennifer Hwang Information Specialist 0503-357-2725
Registrar Registrar 0503-357-2710
School Psychologist School Psychologist 0503-357-2127
School Webmaster School Webmaster 0503-357-2127
Secretary School Secretary 0503-357-2712
Student Transportation Office Transportation 0503-355-1230

School Hours

  Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Faculty Hours 0700-1420 0700-1420
Office Hours 0710 - 1600 0710-1600
School Hours 0710 - 1400 0710 - 1300
Lunch Hours 1015 - 1245 1015 - 1245

Arrival Dismissal Procedures


Students begin entering the school building at 7:10 A.M. The school bell will ring at 7:30 A.M., at which time the students should be lined up in front of their classroom. Students will be considered tardy at 7:35 A.M. Tardy students should go through the Main Office to record their late arrival.

Children living within walking distance of the school should leave home in time to arrive at the school at approximately 7:10 A.M. Supervision is provided prior to the beginning of the school day starting at 7:10 A.M. Parents who bring their children to school will not be permitted to drop them off before 7:10 A.M. The instructional day ends at 1:50 P.M. on Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri and 12:50 P.M. on Tuesday.



Students must be registered with the Student Transportation Office (STO) to ride the bus. Upon registration, the student will be assigned a bus number and route and issued a bus pass. Please communicate the bus number with the student’s teacher. Students will not be permitted to ride any other bus without prior approval through the STO. These requests must be made directly to the STO not the school.

Walkers, Bike Riders, and Parent Pick Up

Students leaving school either on foot or on bicycle should be picked up in the school courtyard near the flagpole and basketball court. Students will be released out the side of the building to the possession of their parent or guardian.

If a student is being picked up via car, please park your vehicle in a designated parking space and walk to the pick-up point to receive your student. Parking long curbs will not be permitted as it presents a hazard and blocks the fire lane. Anyone parked along a curb in the parking lot will be asked to move their car immediately.


Students must be registered to use the Kiss-N-Drop Lane. Once registered, the student will be assigned a number. To access the Kiss-n-Drop Drop Off and Pick-Up location, drive up Forward March Street from Tropic Lightning Avenue. Please do not enter from Taro Avenue to avoid blocking the busses. Follow the flow of traffic to the farthest entrance on the left. Keep your car to the right-hand side when dropping off and picking up. Do not exit your vehicle at any time. Parking is not permitted in the Kiss-N-Drop Lane.

At drop off, pull all the way up to the school doors before allowing your student(s) to exit the vehicle. After dropping off, please proceed out of the Kiss-n-Drop Lane by turning right onto Forward March Street.

At pick-up, please have your student(s)' number placard prominently placed in the right-hand side of your windshield. Upon picking up your student, please do not proceed into the left-hand lane to exit. Please wait patiently for the cars in front of you to exit the Kiss-n-Drop Lane first.

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