ABC Letter Fashion: Kindergarteners strut their phonemic awareness

Alicia Weeber
Nov 13, 2023
DoDEA students wearing their customize ABC Letter fashion made of paper

Kindergarten students at Humphreys West Elementary School recently made the letters of the alphabet a fashion statement, debuting their very own letter vests at a fashion show for parents and the community.

The ABC Letter Fashion Show is an engaging way to connect home and school while recognizing the foundational learning that occurs in kindergarten. Each student donned a self-made vest representing one of the letters they focused on mastering.

“The ABC Fashion Show allows teachers and families to collaborate and work on alphabet letters and sound recognition with our students,” said Misty Galamison, kindergarten teacher. “I try assigning letters to students that they have yet to master and could practice both at home and at school.”

Meeting outside on a red carpet walkway, the kindergarten students of HWES presented their ABC Letter Fashion Show to parents, staff, and community members who cheered as they joined in the celebration of learning. 

Each student used their imagination to create their vest, which included drawings, pictures, and photographs of items that begin with the assigned letter.  Each student modeled their vest and took a turn on the microphone to proudly share their name, letter, and letter sound. Not only were students given the opportunity to share their phonemic awareness learning, but also to practice speaking in public, waiting turns, and celebrating others’ successes. The students had for their work was evident in their smiles. While some nervousness could be seen here and there, every child was supported by teachers and parents to be successful in their presentation. 

“It is always wonderful to see students have a chance to share their learning with their parents and to welcome parents into the school,” said Karen Morton, Reading Specialist. “And most importantly, having fun and being engaged with their learning!”

HWES is proud of all the work the kindergartners completed to share their learning. Everyone looks forward to watching them continue to strut their stuff down the hallways of HWES!

Kindergarten students anticipating their turn to walk down the red carpet to model their letter vest at Humphreys West Elementary School
Kindergarten students anticipating their turn to walk down the red carpet to model their letter vest at Humphreys West Elementary School, October 24, 2023.
Jayce, a kindergarten student in Ms. Galamison’s kindergarten class, poses for pictures as eager parents snap shots of the young models at Humphreys West Elementary School
Jayce, a kindergarten student in Ms. Galamison’s kindergarten class, poses for pictures as eager parents snap shots of the young models at Humphreys West Elementary School, October 24, 2023.
Students walk the red carpet to stand on the yellow mark where they strike poses for their adoring fans at Humphreys West Elementary School
Students walk the red carpet to stand on the yellow mark where they strike poses for their adoring fans at Humphreys West Elementary School, October 24, 2023.
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